Alexa von Hagen
Arwin Ehsani
Thesis Title "Wirksamkeit von Safe Place: Ein schulbasiertes Resilienzprogramm für Kinder der 4. bis 7. Klasse"
[Efficacy of Safe Place: A School-Based Resilience Program for Children in Grades 4 to 7]
Co-Supervision with MSc Shari Dudda
Master of Science in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Mathias Muscheid
Thesis Title "Schulpsychologie in Deutschland: Arbeitspraxis und Berufsfeldanalyse in vier Bundesländern"
[School Psychology in Germany: An Analysis of Practices and Professional Field in Four Federal States]
Co-Supervision with Dr. Gerhard Büttner
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Alicia Kaufmann
Thesis Title "The Impact of Idealized Thin Body Model Images on Women's Body Appreciation"
Co-Supervision with Dr. Gerhard Büttner
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Tim Hinkel
Thesis Title "Auswirkungen des Konsums von körperbezogenen Inhalten auf Social Media auf das Körperbild von Studierenden" [Effects of consuming bodyrelated content on social media on students' body image]
Co-Supervision with Dr. Gerhard Büttner
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Mona Gottschämmer
Thesis Title "The Effectiveness of The German Version of The School-Based Mental Health Literacy Intervention The Guide”
Co-Supervision with MSc Shari Dudda
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Luna Besier
Thesis Title "Akzeptanz eines Schulprojekts zur psychischen Gesundheit - Ein Blick auf Schüler*innen, Lehrkräfte, Schulleitungen und Schulpsycholog*innen" [Acceptance of a School Project to Foster Mental Health - A Look at Students, Teachers, Principals and School Psychologists]
Co-Supervision with Dr. Natalie Vannini
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Rico Alokuzay
Thesis Title "Effectiveness of ‘The Mental Health and High School Curriculum Guide’ – a School-based Mental Health Literacy Intervention for Adolescents"
Co-Supervision with MSc Shari Dudda
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Selma Benedek
Thesis Title "Adaptierung des COVID-19-Stress-Fragebogens zur Erfassung von pandemiebedingter psychischer Belastung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in eine deutsche Version"
[German Adaptation of the Covid-19-Stress Questionnaire to Assess Psychological Distress of Children and Adolescentes during the Pandemic]
Co-Supervision with Prof. Dr. Christel Salewski
Master of Science in Psychology
FernUniversität Hagen
Timo Eichberger
Thesis Title "Coping with Stress in Adolescence: A Rapid Systematic Review of Evaluation Instruments"
Co-Supervision with Dr. Natalie Vannini
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Laia Costa
Thesis Title "Dealing With Stress: A Rapid Review on Stress Coping Instruments in Middle and Late Childhood"
Co-Supervision with Dr. Natalie Vannini
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Michaela Leipold
Thesis Title "Assessment of Students' Mental Health Literacy: a Mixed Methods Approach" [Einschätzung der psychischen Gesundheitskompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern: ein Mixed Methods Ansatz]
Co-Supervision with Dr. Natalie Vannini
Master of Science in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Antonia Baotic
Thesis Title "The Efficacy of a Mental Health Literacy Intervention for Adolescents With a Focus on Help-Seeking Behavior – A Preregistration"
Co-Supervision with Dr. Natalie Vannini
Bachelor in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Pauline Winkler
Thesis Title "The Efficacy of a Mental Health Literacy Intervention for Adolescents With a Focus on Knowledge – A Preregistration"
Co-Supervision with Dr. Natalie Vannini
Bachelor in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Elise Zeni
Thesis Title "Investigating the Efficacy of a Mental Health Literacy Intervention to Increase Mental Health Literacy Attitudes in a Sample of German Adolescents: A Preregistration"
Co-Supervision with Dr. Natalie Vannini
Bachelor in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Erika Vaidelyte
Thesis Title "General Conditions of School Psychological Practice in Germany: a Comparison between four Federal States" [Rahmenbedingungen der Schulpsychologie in Deutschland: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen vier Bundesländern]
Bachelor in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Nils Rublevskis
Thesis Title "Developing a Questionnaire on the Scope of School Psychological Practice in Germany: A Delphi Study"
Bachelor in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Jessica Hofmann
Thesis Title "Piloting an implementation questionnaire for teachers in the context of the school-based intervention program IMPRES" [Pilotierung eines Implementationsfragebogens für Lehrkräfte im Rahmen des Unterrichtsprogramms IMPRES]
Co-supervision with Dr. Natalie Vannini
Bachelor in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Habiba Hassan
Thesis Title "The Cognitive Abilities Profile Tool: A Qualitative Exploration of School Psychologist’s Views on its Utilization in Germany"
Bachelor in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Andreas Leichsenring
Thesis Title "Unraveling Developmental Trajectories of German Letter Position Coding Using Transposed-Letter Priming"
Bachelor in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Ines Lenz
Thesis Title "Chancen und Barrieren der Schulpsychologischen Arbeit während der Covid-19 Pandemie [Chances and Barriers for School Psychological Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic ]"
Bachelor in Psychology
Universität Konstanz
Asma Bouloukt
Thesis Title "Achtsamkeitsbasierte Bildungsinterventionen in der frühen Kindheit: ein Systematic Review Protokoll" [Mindfulness-based Educational Interventions in Early Childhood: a Systematic Review Protocol]"
Bachelor in Psychology
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Priscilla Sontacchi
Thesis Title "L’apprendimento di lingue straniere per gli studentu dislessici. Questioni teoriche ed esperienze pratiche [Foreign Language Learning in Dyslexic Students. Theoretical Issues and Practical Experiences]"
Laurea magistrale in Filologia e critica letteraria
Universita Degli Studi Di Trento
Co-Supervisor with Dr. Patrizia Cordin and Dr. Francesco Vespignai
Hannah Pranaitis
Thesis Title "The Influence of Wordlikeliness on the Nonword Repetition Task"
International Master of Experimental and Clinical Linguistics (IECL)
Potsdam University
Second Supervisor with Dr. Nicole Stadie as First Supervisor
Ivanna Kaminski
Thesis Title "Evaluación del dominio de reglas de conversión de fonemas a grafemas (RCFG) para escribir palabras en inglés de alumnos hispanoparlantes que aprenden inglés como segunda lengua [Assessment of Phoneme-Grapheme Conversion Rules in Spanish-Speaking Students Learning English as a Second Language]"
Licenciatura en Psicopedagogía [Bachelor in Psychopedagogics]
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Co-supervision with Dr. Ariel Cuadro
Micaela Krygier
Thesis Title "Intervención psicopedagógica en inglés como segunda lengua con una niña con dislexia - Un estudio de caso único [Psychopedagogic Intervention in English as a Second Language with a Girl with Dyslexia - A Single Case Study]"
Licenciatura en Psicopedagogía [Bachelor in Psychopedagogics]
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Co-supervision with Dr. Ariel Cuadro
María Jimena Assandri
Thesis Title "Subtipos de sislexia - Una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica [Dyslexia Subtypes - A Systematic Literature Review ]"
Licenciatura en Psicopedagogía [Bachelor in Psychopedagogics]
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Co-supervision with Dr. Ariel Cuadro
Valeria Giloca
Thesis Title "La incidencia de las variables género y nivel socioeconómico en el rendimiento de los escolares uruguayos en los Hechos Numéricos Básicos [The Influence of the Variables Gender and Socio-Economic Status on the Performance of Uruguayan Primary School Students in Basic Number Facts]"
Licenciatura en Psicopedagogía [Bachelor in Psychopedagogics]
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Co-supervision with Dr. Ariel Cuadro
Gabriela Cancela
Thesis Title "La incidencia de los niveles socioeconómicos en el aprendizaje de la ortografía arbitraria [The Influence of Socio-Economic Status on the learning Arbitrary Spelling Patterns]"
Licenciatura en Psicopedagogía [Bachelor in Psychopedagogics]
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Co-supervision with Dr. Ariel Cuadro